on people in the long term

Providing prospects.
Ecologically, economically, and socially.

Our responsibility

950 kg

carbon dioxide

saved annually in cooperation with our partner “Der Grüne Punkt”.

1.000 +


were planted as part of our imPLANT-A-TREE initiative.

100 %


company building thanks to photovoltaics system and ice storage.

When developing our ideas, we are guided by likely the most brilliant innovator of all: nature. Preserving it and aligning our entrepreneurial activities with it at all times is therefore a matter of course. But to us, sustainability means even more. Besides environmental and climate protection, social and economic responsibility also play a critical role. We are fully aware of our responsibility – not only to our customers, but also to our employees, our region, and our industry.


As an independent German commercial enterprise, partner of the health care sector and employer, we have the responsibility to make and act on carefully thought-out decisions. Instead of focusing exclusively on financial interests, we aim to achieve maximum added value for society, future generations, our employees, and nature. In addition, we have supported aid programs in Africa for many years in order to improve ophthalmological care there.

Climate protection

Through energy self-sufficiency using ice storage and photovoltaics system at our site in Mannheim as well as measures such as carbon-neutral shipping or our imPLANT-A-TREE initiative, we are reducing our ecological footprint to a minimum. Just like with our products, we are also a trailblazer in our industry when it comes to climate neutrality. During the development of solutions such as the AddOn sulcus lens or our single-use instruments, we had sustainability in mind from the outset.


For us, less is often more. Since a respectful use of resources is anchored in our mission statement, we reduce our material and energy consumption in internal processes, design our transport and shipping processes to be as environmentally friendly as possible and set standards in resource-efficient production and the avoidance of carbon dioxide with our award-winning single-use instruments. We are continually making progress towards our vision of a completely closed recycling loop for ophthalmological instruments. Additionally, our AddOn IOLs can compensate for the stocking of up to 3,000 capsular bag IOLs in consignment inventory, thus eliminating complex standby procedures or individual deliveries of IOLs.

What we do precisely

Instruments that set an example

Our single-use instruments combine maximum precision and functionality in a disposable product. Above all, however, they set an example that single-use and sustainability no longer have to be conflicting concepts.

Climate-neutral shipping
Climate-neutral shipping

Transport and shipping are among the most carbon-intensive aspects of our products. We precisely offset the emissions caused by shipping and compensate for what we cannot reduce by planting trees.

Climate-neutral building
Climate-neutral building

1stQ’s company headquarters and logistics center are located in the Eastsite Elysium – an innovative building that produces almost all of its energy from renewable resources.


By using digital document management systems and digital workflows, we consistently reduce our paper consumption within the company towards zero.

Every surgery contributes to climate protection

Together with PLANT-MY-TREE®, we launched the imPLANT-A-TREE initiative. Here partners become sponsors: As a tree sponsor, you actively contribute to reforestation in German and emissions offsetting.