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New study on dual lens system Liberty² published
25.04.2023We are happy to announce that the article by Prof. Dr. Ramin Khoramnia, FEBO and his colleagues on our dual lens system Liberty² has been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
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First peer-reviewed publication on the dual lens procedure
10.02.2023We are proud to share the first peer-reviewed publication on the dual lens procedure! What a great start into 2023! Thanks go out to the Australian team of researchers led by Dr. Brian Harrisberg, MB BCh, FRACS FRANZCO.
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Excellent results for 1stQ AddOn® EDOF!
17.06.2022We are proud to announce that Dr. Kjell Gunnar Gundersen’s article on refractive and visual outcome after AddOn EDOF implantation has been published in DOVE Press.
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New study focuses on the impact of the AddOn® IOL on astigmatism
25.06.2020A newly released study on supplementary IOLs by Dr. Kjell Gunnar Gundersen evaluates the clinical performance of the 1stQ AddOn being used for the correction of residual astigmatism after cataract surgery.
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