Currently browsing Liberty²

Field report: Dr. Andreas Schmidt about his Liberty² IOL


Dr. Andreas Schmidt, Head of the Andernach Eye Centre, recently underwent his own lens exchange with the Liberty² dual-lens system. In an interview, he shares his personal experiences and explains how the decision to opt for Liberty² has changed his life.

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New study on dual lens system Liberty² published


We are happy to announce that the article by Prof. Dr. Ramin Khoramnia, FEBO and his colleagues on our dual lens system Liberty² has been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

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First peer-reviewed publication on the dual lens procedure


We are proud to share the first peer-reviewed publication on the dual lens procedure! What a great start into 2023! Thanks go out to the Australian team of researchers led by Dr. Brian Harrisberg, MB BCh, FRACS FRANZCO.

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