AddOn® SML (Scharioth macula lens)

clear hydrophilic non-preloaded

The AddOn SML was developed by Dr. Dr. Gábor B. Scharioth (Recklinghausen, Germany) for patients with advanced, dry macular degeneration and features a specially designed central optics with +10 D that acts as a miniaturized magnifying glass in the eye. The AddOn SML thus combines proven AddOn technology with a central magnification, without influencing distance visual acuity or the field of vision. The IOL can give patients with advanced dry AMD an opportunity to optimize their near vision and restore their reading capabilities.

1st INJECT Instrument

Single-use manual injector for the implantation of an AddOn IOL into the sulcus.

Recommended incision size

From 1.8 to 2.4 mm, depending on the cartridge size. Recommended for AddOn: 2.0 to 2.4 mm.


Cartridge + injector in blister; 1 disposable injection kit per box.


Silicone plunger for push injections.

Shelf life

3 years after sterilization.


Special click-lock system and guide rails for the easy placement of the lens.

The AddOn SML
The miniaturized magnifying glass in the eye for dry AMD.

Technical specifications

Refractive Index 1,46
Abbe No. 58
Lens type One-piece sulcus lens
Sterilisation Steam
Material biocompatible hydrophilic acrylic (25 %)
Injection system 1st INJECT 2.0HB, 1st INJECT 2.4HB
Haptic 4 flex-haptics
Filter UV filter
Optic spheric
Optic form convex-concave

What the designer is saying

“During my career in ophthalmology, macular diseases have always been a particular concern of mine, especially age-related macular degeneration. With time, it became clear to me that patients often perceive the treatment results of AMD completely differently to us ophthalmologists. Although an AMD patient retains their ability to focus and orient themselves generally, they are often no longer able to read. This observation, coupled with a desire to give a bit of independence and quality of life back to affected individuals, eventually lead to the development of the macula lens – the magnifying glass in the eye.”

Dr. Dr. Gábor B. Scharioth,
ophthalmologist and designer of the SML optics


The patented sulcus lens for optimized refraction results or subsequent upgrades for increased spectacle independence.


datasheet – AddOn® SML

Questions about the 1stQ AddOn® SML

Why opt for an AddOn IOL for AMD?
The AddOn SML utilizes the special benefits of the AddOn® IOL as an additional correction platform in the eye:
  • can be implanted following a standardized procedure
  • works irrespective of the pseudophakic eye’s lens status
  • has no impact on distance visual acuity or the field of vision
  • is non-traumatically reversible in case of incompatibility
  • contributes to the destigmatization of AMD patients
What indications is the AddOn SML suitable for?

The AddOn SML is recommended for the treatment of dry AMD from a visual acuity of 0.1 to 0.3 as well as myopic macular degeneration, diabetic macular degeneration and other maculopathies.

What are the contraindications for the AddOn SML?

Contraindications include wet AMD, severe zonulopathy, aphakia, subluxation, progressive glaucoma, iris neovascularization and generally poor retinal function. For further details, see eIFU.

Does the magnifying optics influence distance visual acuity or the field of vision?

No, the central optics with +10 D and a diameter of 1.5 mm is designed so that it has no impact on distance visual acuity or the field of vision.

Can the AddOn SML also be implanted in aphakic or phakic eyes?

No, the AddOn SML is only designed for the correction of pseudophakic eyes.

From what visual acuity is treatment with the AddOn SML advisable?

The Implantation the AddOn SML is recommended for dry AMD from a visual acuity of 0.1.

Can the AddOn SML also be used for wet AMD?

No, the AddOn SML is exclusively intended for treating dry AMD.

Is the AddOn SML implanted in both eyes?

No, the AddOn SML is implanted monocularly in the better-seeing eye.

Find out more in our magazine

1stQ AddOn® in the „Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology“


The international peer-reviewed journal publishes results on an additive artificial lens for the first time.

read more

Literature and references

(1) Scharioth GB (2015): New add-on intraocular lens for patients with age-related macular degeneration. J Cataract Refract Surg (in Print). (2) Scharioth GB, “Add-on IOLs for Vitrectomized Silicone oil-filled Eyes,” Retinal Physician May 2014; 11:31–33. Available at: (3) Sauder G, Cordes A. Scope of applications and experience record with a new generation of add-on IOLs: the A4W lens. Ophthalmo-Chirurgie 2012; 24(suppl. 2):1–6. Available at: